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New (old) paper: Destinations Similarity Based on User Generated Pictures’ Tags

[This is post number 1 of the "2012 publications" series. Read here if you want to know more about this]

I have posted a new publication in the Research page:

Alessandro Inversini, Davide Eynard, Leonardo Gentile, and Marchiori Elena (2012). Destinations Similarity Based on User Generated Pictures' Tags.

"Pictures about tourism destinations are part of the contents shared online through social media
by travelers. Additional picture information, such as geo-tags and user description of a place,
can be used to create groups of similar destinations. This paper investigates the possibility of
defining destination similarities based on implicit information already shared on the Web. was used as a case study as it represents the most popular picture sharing website.
Results show the possibility to group similar destinations based on visual components,
represented by the contents of the pictures, and the related tag descriptions".

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