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Software Atelier II


The ultimate goal of the Software Atelier is to teach the student to become a computing professional. To this end, the atelier gives an introduction to the role of computing and computer scientists in the professional world as well as society in general and provides an environment for the students to learn about and use specific software tools, work with other students in group projects, and present the results of their projects to the class. The atelier will be held every semester. The emphasis in the first semester is on individual work, with a small group project at the end. Second semester topics: principles of graphical user interfaces (GUI) design; introduction to human computer interaction (HCI).


  • To learn the principles of designing user interfaces;
  • To learn the importance of involving the users early in the design process and keep them in the development loop;
  • To learn to approach a new application, learn how to use, and be able to criticise it from a human-centric point of view.

Click here to see the course page on the USI website.


The following are last minute news you should always be aware of ;-)

  • Apr 28, 2014: I have updated the available material section with the code of our Hangman (CLI/Droid) experiment
  • Mar 26, 2014: Lecture 6 slides are online (no additional material this week)
  • Mar 18, 2014: Lecture 5 slides and material are online!
  • Mar 12, 2014: Lecture 4 slides and material are online. Please check out the requirements for the final project: before next week you will need to form groups and propose your project.
  • Mar 5, 2014: Lecture 3 slides and material are online.
  • Feb 26, 2014: Lecture 2 slides and material are now online. Please check out the assignment and start working on it early: deadline is next Monday (3/3) night!
  • Feb 19, 2014:  I have uploaded lecture 1 slides and material (see below). Source code of our HelloWorld experiment and of my train timetables app are available as zip files: just unpack them somewhere on your disk and do a File>Import of the Android projects to save them into your workspace.

Slides and material