July 01, 2008: talk @HPL
Cool talk, had a lot of useful feedbacks and suggestions! :-)
Transversal projects
I recently worked on some transversal project for our recently born PhDEI Association. It's a PhD Alumni association for our department and we set up a very basic website (that, we hope, will grow with the contributions of other students), we are organizing a social/scientific event where everyone will have a chance to present his work and know others, and we had some talks presenting transversal topics that could be useful for all of us. I gave two talks:
Material is available on the PhDEI website, just by clicking on the two links above here.
Exploiting user gratification for collaborative semantic annotation
I had a paper accepted at SWUI 2008. Cool! I was really happy to see there actually exists someone interested in making the SW usable by people ;-). Both the presentations and the breakout session were very interesting, so the workshop was well worth the trip. Here are my talk slides:
Some del.icio.us stats (part 1)
I've started to run some analyses on the dataset I scraped from del.icio.us. The first thing I absolutely _had_ to do, of course, was to build the well-known power law distribution graph: I didn't have many doubts about it, but when I saw how well it worked I was quite satisfied ;-)
Then I tried to do something (I considered) more interesting, that is finding which percentage of tags actually belongs to a more "meaningful", specific set like WordNet database. To accomplish this, I built some scripts which used WordNet::Similarity and WordNet::QueryData packages to query WordNet and check for the existance of tags (or , better, their stemmed versions). Data are encouraging, giving 114 recognized words out of the 140 most used tags (81.43%). Notice that these do not include, for instance, tags like "web2.0", "howto", "javascript" and "firefox".
But what about less used tags? Our hypothesis was that this value should lower falling down the power law curve, towards the long tail, that is most used tags should also often be present inside WordNet. Well, here are the data:
On the horizontal axis there are tags, ordered by usage from the most used ones. Tags are packed in groups of size 1000, and for each group you can read, on the vertical axis, how many of them are present inside Wordnet. So, for instance, of the first 1000 tags 764 are recognized (76.4%), for the next thousand 671 (67.1%) and so on. The long tail has values within a range which is about 3~5%.
I'll soon post data and scripts, in the meanwhile if you have comments (here or by mail) I'll be glad to read them. ^__^
Perl Hacks: del.icio.us scraper
At last, I built it: a working, quite stable del.icio.us scraper. I needed a dataset big enough to make some experiments on it (for a research project I'll talk you about sooner or later), so I had to create something which would not only allow me to download my stuff (like with del.icio.us API), but also data from other users connected with me.
Even if it's a first release, I have tested the script quite much in these days and it's stable enough to let you backup your data and get some more if you're doing research on this topic (BTW, if so let me know, we might exchange some ideas ;-) Here are some of its advantages:
- it just needs a list of users to start and then downloads all their bookmarks
- it saves data inside a DB, so you can query them, export them in any format, do some data mining and so on
- it runs politely, with a 5 seconds sleep between page downloads, so to avoid bombing del.icio.us website with requests
- it supports the use of a proxy
- it's very tweakable: most of its parameters can be easily changed
- it's almost ready for a distributed version (that is, it supports table locking so you can run many clients which connect to a centralized database)
Of course, it's far from being perfect:
- code is still quite messy: probably a more modular version would be easier to update (perl coders willing to give a hand are welcome, of course!)
- I haven't tried the "distributed version" yet, so it just works in theory ;-)
- it's sloooow, especially compared to the huge size of del.icio.us: at the beginning of this month, they said they had about 1.5 million users, and I don't believe that a single client will be able to get much more than few thousand users per day (but do you need more?)
- the way it is designed, the database grows quite quickly and interesting queries won't be very fast if you download many users (DB specialists willing to give a hand are welcome, of course!)
- the program misses a function to harvest users, so you have to provide the list of users you want to download manually. Actually, I made mine with another scraper but I did not want to provide, well, both the gun and the bullets to everyone. I'm sure someone will have something to say about this, but hey, it takes you less time to write your ad-hoc scraper than to add an angry comment here, so don't ask me to give you mine
That's all. You'll find the source code here, have phun ;)
As you probably have noticed yet just by giving a look at my About page, I'm using Bibsonomy as an online tool to manage bibliographies for my (erm... future?) papers. If you use BibTeX (or EndNote) for your bibliographies this is quite a useful tool. With it you can:
- Save references to the papers/websites you have read all in one place
- Save all the bibliography-related information in a standard, widely used format
- Tag publications: this doesn't only mean you can easily find them later, but also that you can share them with others, find new ones, find new people interested in the same stuff and so on (soon: an article about tags and folksonomies, I promise)
- Easily export publication lists in BibTeX format, ready to include in your papers
This export feature is particularly useful: you can manage your bibliographies directly on the website and then export them (or a part of them) in few clicks. Even better: you can do that even without clicking at all! Try this:
wget "http://www.bibsonomy.org/bib/user/deynard?items=100" -O bibs.bib
You've just downloaded my whole collection inside one "bibs.bib" file, ready to be included in your LaTeX document. The items parameter allows you to specify how many publications you want to download: yes, it sounds silly (why would you want only the first n items?)
Of course, if you like you can just download items tagged as "tagging" with this URL:
You can join tags like in this URL:
And of course, you can substitute wget with lynx:
lynx -dont_wrap_pre -dump "http://www.bibsonomy.org/bib/user/deynard?items=100" > bibs2.bib
Well, that's all for now. If you happen to find any interesting hacks lemme know ;)