This page is quite new, so it still doesn't contain much.
Feel free to add anything you like (related to PowerBrowsing) here!
My Projects
This section contains some of the PB projects I developed, in case you haven't seen them yet...
Cinemaz: this perl script connects to, retrieves information about movies and builds a light, text-only page: please be patient and wait, since it gathers data on the fly it's quite slow!
malacomix: this one gathers data on the fly from and generates a page with all the comic strips you like most. Still buggy, but mostly working (and SLOW as usual
Things I've learned from B-movies: this one gathers data on the fly from and generates a page with random quotes extracted from badmovies' pages. You can also run it in Fortune mode! And yes, you can be sure of one thing: this script is... SLOW!
Happy3 FLASH URLS: this one gathers data on the fly from (now moved to and generates a page containing the links to the currently available flash movies, so you can download them or see them fullscreen. I made this one for my friend Trizio! (wait patiently while the page loads...
NOTE: this script doesn't work anymore, it should probably be updated... wanna try? Go and check its source code then!
Two: beta, sorry... Alpha version: inter alia, it might be VERY slow as all my other apps! See the docs on the website for more details about this project.
SukaSudoku: a small script which spiders website and builds a sudoku book in pdf!
Like the projects? Want to see their sources? Go to, you'll find all of them... and some more!
This section should contain some sort of FAQs about PowerBrowsing papers (we may migrate it somewhere else if it becomes too big, but I don't believe it will ;))
Q: How can I automatically run a script whenever I receive a mail with a particular subject (or body)?
A: See my ProcMailRc