use LWP::Simple; # this is the package you want to use my $search_term = $ARGV[0]; # get the seach term from the command line die "Specify a search string, please!\n" unless defined $search_term; # this is the base URL of the search script, with the search term appended my $url = "$search_term"; # download $url and save its contents in $content my $content = get($url); # exit if an error occurs die "I couldn't download $url" unless defined $content; # now search inside $content if ($content =~ m/any SHOUTcast streams found/) { print "No shoutcast streams containing the term $search_term\n"; } else { print "Some shoutcast streams contain the term $search_term.\n"; print "Here are the songs they're playing:\n"; while ($content =~ /Playing:<\/font>\s(.*?)<\/font>/gs) { print $1."\n"; } }